Sunday, December 09, 2007

Website shop - so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are trying to get to the website shop don't bother until tomorrow.
Lovely ekm service providers failed to tell me their domain name was going to be disabled.
I didn't know until some of my sock girls e-mailed me.
After a long of stroppy e-mails managed to get the stupid boy in customer services to tell me the problem.
So now have a new domain name which will go live tonight or tomorrow.
You would not believe how angry I am!!!!!!!!
I am not really an angry leave that to Homer, who gets hysterical about breadcrumbs on the work surface, you would think after 23 years he would have got used to my mess and mess of our 3 grown up kids. And they are messy!
Feppy has always had a snail trail of paint and glue following her, even managed to get tea on the landing ceiling and covered the lounge carpet in wax - I have never asked how she did it as I really don't want to know...

Any way EKM is going to get "old cow from hell" on the phone tomorrow morning.
And a huge Thank You to my yahoo group for telling me about the problem, without them I would never have known - I am so grateful.
The new domain name is
and if it isn't live by tomorrow morning I will have an extra angry in my arsenal

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