Saturday, December 19, 2009

WE HAVE ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday night at about 7.30 the electricity went off in a thunderstorm/snowstorm, very odd as we don't normally get thunderstorms in the winter.
No electricity is fun for a little while, light the fire & candles, pour the wine and snuggle.
However it wasn't just for a while it was for nearly 40 hours, here is my photo story of our misery.

Friday morning - The backgarden with not much snow and an OTT tiny puppy frolicing in the snow.

Ok, so tiny puppy is 3 1/2 but its his first proper snow and as he has never grown up mentally he loved it.

Friday afternoon, still no power, even though our neighbours had come back on, Geinome and I had started to go stir crazy. We are both technology adddicts and after we had killed our laptop & ipod batteries we played games, boring games, won't try and explain which as I was so bored I can't remember.
Again this is odd, as my family (including our 2 potentials) are a huge games family, we always play risk, cards, monopoly etc etc etc
I think it was just Geinome and I were going cold turkey so neither of us wanted to play.
This is what the coffee table looked like at 6pm.
Then he had a brainwave, if our neighbours had electricity, then the farm might have electricity
And it did!! so the 2 of us spent the evening at the farm, snuggled in blankets, watching films on the laptops and drinking more wine.

Saturday morning - still no electricity and more snow.

The front garden, notice only one car, Homer had cleverly spent the night in Felixstowe at a works do, so missed our exciting evening.

Saturday morning - these 2 houses have electricity.

These 2 houses which are next door do not have electricity.

This white house in the distance (our next nearest neighbour) doesn't have electricity either.
Its not fair!!!!!!
Well it wasn't fair, but the power is back on, we are beginning to defrost and the sun is shining - :-)


Anonymous said...


the photos look good, you getting used to your camera now ma?
cya soon!!


dubcat said...

Hi Amanda

When it started to snow I got all wistful and thought about how beautiful it would have been to be living in Hollesley in all that beautiful whiteness. I am so glad that I read your blog to give me a reality check about being thankful for what we have got - especially as Nigel upstairs with flu. The woodburner, open fire, lights that work, big cooker and central heating are blessings that i should count!
Seasons greetings to you both - we're spending Xmas in a cottage in Shingle Street so may bump into you.
Claire x