Friday, August 22, 2008


2ply posted these photo's on one of the Dye Studio's ravelry groups

It was really bizarre looking at them, seeing my 19 year old self....

Did I really look like that? I can remember it so well (ok - so only the parts I didn't have a hangover). I can't remember what I thought life was going to be, probably didn't think much at all.

I was sure I hadn't changed that much over time, but maybe I have - older, fatter, longer hair, wrinkles and wobbley bits. I used to be a nice person, now at certain times a day I am crabby bitch from hell. I didn't have my grown up kids, who are not only my babies but 3 people I am really close to and really admire and love. I didn't have a DH either, who is someone I can't imagine my life without. I have the Dye Studio, I have 25 years of extra knowledge and I wouldn't want to be that age again for all the tea in China - :-)

P.S I should have said, this is Ipswich Art College 1982/3 & 2ply is sitting opposite me in the knitting photo

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