Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Still trying to find order in the post show chaos, I never take enough photos, always have best intentions, but forget my camera after about 5 mins.
I love shows, you always meet such interesting people and old friends, the show was great although a little quiet on sunday.
Can wait for the Woolfest.
Lovely B & B, fantastic restaurant where we ate 2 nights in a row with very good woolly freinds and talked wool at each other until our ears bled.
You can never have too many sheep photos, these were taken for H.
Stand set up, 6 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people seem to manage it in a couple of hours but dear Phil is a perfectionist!

And the result, meant to take an after shot as well, but too tired to focus at that time.

1 comment:

yvette said...

Ooh, how cool, a whole wall of NDS, looks great.