Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Phones & Plumbing

I thought I would share these photos of the inside of the farm, until now I have held back as it is a total mess, but as we are getting close to moving I thought it would be nice to record them for posterity.

The show room, where we will entertain all our customer/visitors

We have phone number for the farm, but no phone or connection.
We will be connected on the 2nd of october, had better buy a phone by then.

We are still haveing plumbing traumas, no one knows where the drains go to and as it was a prison property there don't seem to be plans. The prison seems to have made it up as they went along,
I counted 8 drain covers in our small piece of garden, you would think we would be able to work out which went where......

Fred modeling the dye room door, it has since been finished. This is also pre-windows.

We still have drain pipe problems and when it rains the doorway leaks.

Our delightful kitchen area. The hand sink has now been replaced with a kitchen sink and draining board, but apart from that it still looks much the same.

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