Thursday, August 02, 2007

Simply Knitting & USA Ebay shop

Am still trying to sort myself out after the Woolfest, have realised that dyeing in 100 gm skeins is much easier, why have I been doing it in 50gms for so long???
So now have to re-dye all the show stock.
Will be in the August edition of simply Knitting, or is it September - anyway it comes out the 16th of August, think I am excited, but who knows what its about, when I was interviewed the photographer spent about half an hour photographing me, just know the photo is going to make me look like my mother.......

Also re-opened the American Ebay shop
Need to fill it to the brim to get it on the first page of the stores directory, luckily I have all the 50 gm skeins from the show stock.....

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